Facebook & Google Ads

Read This If You’re Interested In Learning More About Getting Sales From Google & Facebook Advertising, And Pay Attention To The Photos As These Are REAL Results I’ve Provided For Businesses Like Yours

You may or may not already know this…….

The easiest way to start getting more clients, more leads, more sales……

Is not by getting your site optimized for SEO, which takes months in many cases to really take effect.

And it’s not by building a bunch of profiles on every social media network, as no one cares if you don’t have an audience already.

That audience will take months at the least, probably years, to become a considerable asset in your marketing.

The easiest thing to do is to START BUYING ADS!

But You Hate Advertising And Here’s Why

People USED to be able to sell junk through good advertising, but social media has started to quash that.

Over time you have probably eaten at a bad restaurant that’s been heavily advertised, seen a bad movie with an awesome trailer, or bought advertising in a newspaper with dwindling readership and little engagement.

The advertising was effective, but the product or the platform may have been bad. And of course, it could’ve been the other way around.

And You Hate The Idea Of Buying Likes And Clicks! But Here’s How This Stuff Can Lead To Sales…..

I understand that you probably don’t want to be the most popular Facebook page or that you want clicks that lead to sales.

Well as you’re about to see below, these platforms provide a great way to easily get your product or service in front of the very people who need it!

If you’re a lawyer looking for more DUI cases, a person like me can get you directly in front of people looking for someone like you in their area.

Let’s say you’re a wedding photographer and you want to reach newlyweds who have been engaged for a year. Guess what? You can reach those people on Facebook……

And nearly every product you can sell from t-shirts to books to kitchenware has a river of traffic you can tap into whether it’s on Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Youtube, or another platform.

Clicks ==> Website Visitors ==> Leads ==> SALES!!!

You Want To Reach The People Who Need Your Solution, Don’t You?

Advertising doesn’t have to be sneaky, dishonest, and leave you feeling cheated after using it.

It can be an business making, economy boosting, and ultimately compassionate machine under the right hands.

By not getting yourself in front of more people, you’re probably hurting them because they aren’t aware of the best service available out there.

Why Facebook And Google Instead Of SEO?

Take a look at the alexa rankings for the top web sites in the world.

Google is #1, Facebook is #3.

YouTube is #2, while Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn are not far behind.

This means that this is where you’re most likely to find your prospects spending the most time shopping or socializing online.

But also, their advertising options are accessible to ANYONE from ANYWHERE.

Everyone has heard about the river of free traffic some sites have gotten, but that’s a very long term option. It takes months or years to rank for a keyword, it’s expensive time-consuming work building links and getting converting content on the site, and it’s ultimately up to Google or Yahoo whether your site will appear.

Many SEO specialists do a great job ranking sites quickly, but hopefully you’ve seen that buying ads is a much better way…..

Great! So I’m Going To Make My Own Ads, Right?

Um, I wouldn’t recommend it for the same reasons I don’t recommend writing your own content…..

On Facebook, you’ll have to know how to pick the best picture, choose the right targeting settings, write the post, AND bid on the ad.

For Google Adwords, you’ll have to understand the psychology of searching for whatever good or service someone is looking for, and reflect that in your text, display, and/or video ads.

Plus you must have knowledge of how to create a “landing page” that Google and Facebook will like so that they’ll continue to send you traffic, and so that your visitors won’t hit the back button once you spend the money to get that click.

Then there’s all the work that goes into tracking calls and form submissions to measure conversion value and customer acquisition costs.

You don’t learn that in an afternoon, and many don’t have the background to dive right into those vortexes.

Let Me Guess, You (Matt) Can Help???


By now you’ve seen photos of my best results from my ads, which include getting hundreds of shares, reaching tens of thousands of people with a small budget, and ultimately getting lots of clicks to your website.

If you tie this in with my ability to create a persuasive landing page or article like the one you’ve been reading…..

Then tie it in with a relevant video, some conversion optimization, AND remarketing……

Then my friend, you’ve got a pretty great opportunity sitting in front of you!

Remember Though…….

My services in this aspect are ONLY to use these techniques to get your website more traffic.

If you want your website to become better optimized for conversions, we’ll have to discuss that.

Your website may or may not be in the best condition to get sales, but if all you need is traffic…….

Then you should consider contacting me for a quote. I’m determined to use all my knowledge and power to help your business become even more successful, if you’re willing to get some good help.

Thanks for reading!


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