Most businesses have the very same problem that James had…..

They were aware of all the people they could reach on Facebook with his law services, and he had a great reputation as a defense lawyer.

But getting the word out on social media is TOUGH!

On Facebook alone, the newsfeed seems to go through so many subtle changes that its hard for a pro like myself to deal with sometimes.

Plus there’s the perception that a lawyer or a similar business can’t reach a lot of people because it’s not the most exciting business….

Well, keep reading because I’m about to tell you how I dealt with these issues and got him many more inquiries about his business, all from Facebook!

First, I Reworked Some Aspects Of His Site

James built his website on Weebly to save a little cash and avoid hiring an expensive designer, which I can’t blame him for.

However he didn’t have time to write content that’ll help people understand how his services will help them.

And there were aspects of his layout and design that needed to be tweaked.

Once I spent a few weeks getting content, and doing some conversion optimization it was now ready to be used by a prospect.

The goal at this point was to make it easy for the prospect to contact James if they like what the content had to say.

Next, We Came Up With A Social Media Strategy

Again most business’s strategy is to open a bunch of social media accounts, and then post as much as possible.

This is just a losing bet because the platforms are all different, and all require their own unique approach.

He was most familiar with Facebook anyways and used twitter a little bit. So it was easy to start showing him and his assistant what is most likely to work well as a facebook post and what won’t.

I stressed to James that Facebook was what he needed to focus on because of the viral nature of the posts like this one……

James Justice 260 Likes 75 Link Clicks


We Tracked His Calls & Emails Using Various Analytics Code

Good marketing is all about measuring what you put in and get back out.

And in James’ case, he simply wanted to know how many calls his website and facebook page were producing.

So I got him a tracking number and put it in all of the right places, which has lead to this:

James Justice 87 Calls Blurred


That’s 87 calls! And we’ve only spent around $100 a month at most on his facebook ads!

So let’s do the math……

87 calls from his most profitable ad, which we’ve only spent $851 on ads for the past year……

And that’s a cost of around $10 bucks per call! Plus, we’ve only been doing call tracking for the past 6 months!


Finally, We’ve Been Doing A Combination Of SEO & PPC Advertising

In digital marketing, you don’t want to put all of your eggs in one basket because Google, Facebook, Youtube, or any platform can suddenly change without warning.

That’s why I recommended to James that I try and rank him for some keywords in the long run, and pay for some ads to get him business in the more immediate future.

Plus, we’ve got email marketing and video marketing systems in place as well to supplement all of this work.

So if anything changed, we could immediately move somewhere else and keep getting him some phone calls and emails.


So James is from a small town, and even he is benefitting from the potential of digital marketing!

What’s stopping you? Do you think you could benefit from the same results as James?

Why not let James tell you himself…….

Thanks for reading, and if you’d like to talk about working together……

Please contact me through the form located at the top of this website.